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Tracing Rotation with Ionized Carbon in Early Primeval Systems (PI: F. Lelli)

TRICEPS is a survey of 15 massive galaxies at z=4-5, when the Universe was less than 1.5 Gyr old. TRICEPS combines new observations from ALMA, JWST, and the VLA, as well as ancillary data from HST, Spitzer, and Herschell.


The main goal is of TRICEPS is to trace the distribution of baryons and dark matter in the most distant rotation-supported galaxies, using ALMA [CII] data to trace the rotation curve, JWST NIR data to trace the stellar mass, and VLA CO(1-0) data to trace the gas mass.

Publications: Available Soon!


Status: all data taken

ALMA observations at angular resolutions of 0.1"-0.2" (corresponding to 0.5-1.0 kpc) provide a spatially resolved view of the cold gas distribution and kinematics, as traced by the [CII]-158 um emission line. The same observations also provide the dust distribution, as traced by the FIR continuum emission.

Data Download: Available Soon!


Status: 90% data taken

JWST images with NIRCam and MIRI provide a spatially resolved view of the stellar content at similar spatial resolutions as the ALMA data. In particular, the rest-frame NIR bands are sensitive to the total stellar mass, the rest-frame optical bands to stellar population properties, and the rest-frame UV bands to the star-formation activity.

Data Download: Available Soon!


Status: 50% data taken

VLA observations of the CO(1-0) line provides the best possible tracer of the total molecular gas mass. In combination with the spatially resolved [CII] data, the dataset will probe the mass distribution of molecular hydrogen, the dominant mass component of the ISM in strongly star-forming galaxies in the early Universe.

Data Download: Available Soon!
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